The LL3D Revolution
Our 3-D single camera system, known as "LL3D," is set apart from traditional stereoscopic 3-D by the significant fact that LL3D can be shown on any ordinary movie screen and can be projected with any standard, single motion picture projector. Moreover, LL3D's fascinating effects can also be seen on televisions and computer monitors. Our LL3D technology completely eliminates the great expenses associated with showing a stereoscopic 3-D movie in traditional 2-D movie theaters and on giant IMAX-type screens.
To view LL3D, the audience simply wears inexpensive, patented LL3D glasses. LL3D presents the captivating illusion that the images produced are coming out of the screen toward the viewer. Unlike stereoscopic 3-D, however, even if the LL3D glasses are removed the viewer still sees a remarkably clear 2-D picture. In fact, many people who have witnessed demonstrations of the LL3D technology say they can see the 3-D effects even without the glasses.
Beyond the Big Screen:
3-D on TV, Video, DVD's, and Computers
In addition to movie and High Definition digital image creation, LL3D has the ability to produce inexpensive 3-D on television, video, DVD, and computers, as well as to create dramatic effects in 3-D video games.
Patent Position
John Lawrence and Linda S. Lukens have been granted numerous patents in single camera 3-D technology. They also hold the patent for special 3-D glasses that enable the audience to see enhanced LL3D images.
